Beauty, Brains and Poetry; a moment with Julie Nkirote

Beauty, Brains and Poetry; a moment with Julie Nkirote              

By Juliet Mwangi

This season has us going through a roller-coaster of emotions and some of us are still trying to find a balance. Julie Nkirote describes it as a cyclical period. She is a writer who says that she has a mix of creative energy bursts on some days and no inspiration at all to write on others. However, she has managed to write a lot more than she normally would and this is good as we should be having her poetry anthology on our shelves pretty soon.

Julie is among the students who recently graduated from the Write Your Passion course offered by Writers Guild Kenya and she affirms that she would absolutely recommend friends and family members to take the course if they haven’t already.

When she approached Writers Guild Kenya on guidance and assistance with her poetry anthology, the passion, zeal and expertise in handling her request was unimaginable. This made it easier for her to jump at the opportunity of taking the course immediately she heard about it.

What stood out for her in the Write Your Passion course was the comprehensive “curriculum’ for writers who love to write but know nothing about the industry. She learnt so much from it and feels more confident to introduce herself to an eager world as the blooming writer she is.

When asked about her wildest dreams in writing, Julie zones out for a moment as though literally picturing this. For her, having not just one, but several bestsellers under her name would be so fulfilling. She would like to be remembered in the reading and writing circles as a prolific and fluid writer whose words told stories, painted flawless pictures, guided, entertained, consoled and pulled readers out of their voids. Who wouldn’t be thrilled by such an achievement?

Just like most writers, Julie has a dream and clearly she’s forging towards it in every way possible. The journey is not meant to be easy, but it sure is worth the fight. This is basically the message Writers Guild Kenya wishes all budding writers get loudly and clearly and choose to take the step to improve their wit and even get to earn from it.

You can reach out to Julie via –



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3 thoughts on “Beauty, Brains and Poetry; a moment with Julie Nkirote”

  1. That’s my classmates… Feeling proud and blessed by how we touched the ground running. Looking forward to having my work published. Nice will it be to launch together…. Thinking aloud.

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