The Pen From South Sudan: The journey of John Monyjok

The Pen From South Sudan: The journey of John Monyjok

By John Monyjok

I started writing in the Magang Village back in 2002 after recovering from TB, a chronic illness that almost killed me, but I got the complete and successful treatment for it by the Medicines Sans Frontier or the Doctors without Borders, MSF.

I started my writing career by writing Bible verses and later I wrote my opinions about life in the villages in those days.

In 2012, that’s a decade later, I learned that I can actually publish my own books and make them available online for the world of readers to have access. I then published my first book, The Scarification on Amazon and Smashwords. I also published it on CreateSpace, which was then an Amazon company dealing with print books, until Amazon closed it in 2016 when it made Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing/KDP into a full tool that makes both digital and print book editions.

I have written self-help books, my life stories, motivational books, and literary nonfiction novels. Over the years I have written and independently published 50+ books and booklets, and I’m sharing that knowledge with upcoming writers free of charge on my website at

Right now I’m working on improving the already published books as well as writing new content. I’m busy writing articles about self-discovery and self-improvement, and I make them available on my website.

I love sharing knowledge and experiences and that’s why I write in the first place. I believe one has do discover his or her own self before improving his/herself, which then leads to other careers such as writing.

In our world of technology, you can write, self-edit, self-publish, self-market, and learn how to get paid monthly for your writing. I’m a living example of this.

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